
Postscript is the RMIT Landscape Architecture Alumni network. The intention of this resource is to provide a central contact point for past students, a formal connection to RMIT and a forum for ongoing design discourse. Postscript seeks to facilitate opportunities for graduates to continue their contribution to an ongoing relationship with the RMIT Landscape Architecture Program.

Postscript aims to:

–   Establish and enhance relationships between the RMIT Landscape Architecture Program and its graduates in order to foster interest and support for the University and for each other.

–   Raise awareness of and promote this new resource to current and future members, faculty staff, community, industry and public audiences.

–   Increase alumni participation and involvement in University activities and provide direct feedback /assistance in the continuing development and growth of the RMIT Landscape Architecture Program

–   Promote the University and identify, recognize and utilize successful alumni

 contact la.alumni@rmit.edu.au for more information

2 responses to “About

  1. Hello, I’m a grad of the MLA program from U of Guelph, Canada. It seems your site and mine (http://greenlid.blogspot.com/) have similar goals. Let’s keep in touch. As my site says, I’m in the process of building a resource for landscape architects including newsfeeds and landscape-specific/plant search engines. Have a look, I’d be glad to hear any feedback, suggestions for further contributions, and even to be added to your blogroll.

  2. I wanted to let you know about a short video by myself and professor of landscape architecture Jolie Kaytes.

    In the video, Kaytes illustrates faulting by using origami folding techniques, talks about sense of place and more. I think the piece is a good introduction to LA for the uninitiated, and is thought provoking for practitioners, as well.

    You can find the piece here with descriptive text, http://academic.cahnrs.wsu.edu/archive/2008/gridshifter-kaytes.html, or directly on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=briancahnrs.

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